- Destructuring Arrays
- Destructuring Objects
- Spread Operator […]
- Short Circuiting && and ||
- Nullish Coalescing Operator (??)
const game = {
team1: 'Bayern Munich',
team2: 'Borrussia Dortmund',
players: [
score: '4:0',
scored: ['Lewandowski','Gnarby','Lewandowski','Hummels'],
date: 'Nov 9th, 2037',
odds: {
team1: 1.33,
x: 3.25,
team2: 6.5,
const [players1, players2] = game.players;
console.log(players1, players2);
const [gk, ...fieldplayers] = players1;
console.log(gk, fieldplayers);
const allPlayers = [...players1, ...players2];
const players1Final = [...players1, 'Thiago', 'Coutinho', 'Perisic'];
const {team1, draw , team2} = game.odds;
//const {odds: {team1, draw, team2}} = game;
const printGoals = function(...players){
console.log(players.length + 'goals were scored.');
team1 < team2 && console.log('Team 1 is more likely to win');
team1 > team2 && console.log('Team 2 is more likely to win');